Empowering Houston’s Visually Impaired Community and their Families.

EYE SEE HOU is a non profit support group that holds socials every quarter for our city’s VIP (visually impaired people) community and their families. Our mission is to have fun, learn from one another and support each other along the way. EYE SEE HOU was born out of our need to find support and laughter while navigating this difficult journey of sight loss. Our website is a digital resource and we use our social media page to bring more awareness about our Blind World. ESH community is growing and we are having fun, make sure to sign up for the Newsletter and join us at our next social!



We know how time consuming it is to find resources on this journey so we are creating a city wide guide for all things related to Vision Health and Wellness. We are in the beginning stages of adding to our list and update it as often as we find new resources. If you have a resource that needs to be added, please send us an email here.